Suicide Prevention

BPD affects around 2% of the population, and 1 in 10 people with BPD will die by suicide. Suicide prevention – by early intervention and appropriate timely treatment – can reduce unnecessary deaths.

TW: This page references suicide, please read with care – resources are available at the bottom of the page

Suicide is a serious problem that has long-lasting effects on individuals, families and communities. Everyone has a responsibility to learn about the warning signs of suicide, and committing to societal change.

What are we doing?

  • raising awareness of BPD to the general public to help reduce stigma and discrimination, improving attitudes of those who are unwell and allowing them to seek help without judgement
  • encouraging social inclusion through our peer support groups
  • providing education and training through our dedicated training portal
  • empower people living with BPD to see that they are not their illness, but rather they are a whole individual with their illness being a small part of that
  • promoting positive recovery, empowering people to take charge of their own care
  • encouraging open and honest conversations about BPD
  • campaigning for improved health and social care for individuals impacted by BPD
  • providing resources for developing healthy coping skills through our online courses and our recovery section

What do we need to do?

We can all help prevent suicides by learning the warning signs, having open and honest conversations, and committing to making social change.

Warning signs of suicide

Not everyone shows signs that they are thinking about suicided, but these behaviours and feelings are cause for concern. They may be talking about suicide, have trouble sleeping or eating, withdraw from social activities, lose interest in the things they love, makes preparations such as writing a will, or giving away their belongings.

Open and honest conversations

We need to talk about suicide as a society, to reduce the stigma attached to mental health, which will allow individuals to feel more able to come forward and seek help.

Better healthcare

The healthcare system is failing people with suicidal ideation, by having lengthy waiting lists for treatment, inappropriate care options, not providing treatment due to bias or prejudice, and a lack of understanding and compassion.

Where to get help

If this article has affected you in any way, here are some useful resources:


You can call the Samaritans at any time, night or day, by calling 116 123. You can also write an email to Find out more at Samaritans.


Shout is the UK’s free and confidential text service. Text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258.

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)

0800 58 58 58 (5pm to Midnight every day)

Papyrus (Prevention of Young Suicide HOPELINE)

Call 0800 068 414, text 07860 039967 or email