Supporting those who have been bereaved or affected by suicide, with referrals for the most appropriate support and raising awareness. Survivors of Suicide support Group, SOS was formed in September 2006 as a response to the rise in Suicide’s in the East Belfast Area.
We at this time felt that in the East & South of the city and also the Castlereagh Area there was no one or place people could turn to for help.
The group was set up by and is run by the family and friends of those who lost their lives to Suicide and it's aim is to provide help and comfort to those left behind, we try to provide a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen and give if possible an honest answer to the many questions that are asked in the aftermath of a sudden death by suicide.
We give families a safe place to talk about their loss when they are ready. We in the group are no different to anyone else who this has happened to but through our own experience we feel that we can help by relating our own stories from our own losses.
Services include:
- Outreach and promotional work on suicide prevention
- Peer support meetings for families bereaved by suicide
- Mobile phone information and signposting service
- Access to counselling and complementary therapies
- Diversionary activities and respite opportunities for families bereaved by suicide
- Provision of practical information for families who have been bereaved by suicide
- Community groups and families in Greater East Belfast