Staying Well is a service that offers psychosocial support within a safe, supportive, and therapeutic environment.
This service seeks to ensure that people in Sussex access the right help at the right time with their mental health. Regarding mental health, it is always best to put in place preventive measures,and if all fails, a patient should at least get help at the right time, and this is what Staying Well seeks to accomplish.
This service recognizes the importance of urgent help for people who are at breaking points. People who are likely to harm themselves at breaking point. The service therefore provides suicide and self-harm prevention support.
Beyond mental health support, Staying Well also offers housing and employment support. The housing support service essentially seeks to help people secure and keep safe, affordable housing and avert crisis.
Employment support on the other hand seeks to provide a support system to unemployed people facing mental health crisis. Umeployment can potentially cause depression, anxiety, stress and low self-esteem. Yet on the other hand, finding or returning to work can reverse the adverse health effects of unemployment as well as help to escape poverty.
This psychosocial support is a holisitic approach that helps patients overcome their mental health crisis in a safe, supportive, and therapeutic environment.