Group Guidelines


In the group each of us is responsible for our own safety. When sharing our experiences, we should always focus on the here and now, and not delve into past events or traumas. If someone else speaks of such things, it is ok to say you find that triggering or to step out of the group. If you step out of the group, or leave the session, please message the group facilitators so we can make sure you are safe.


During the meeting there is no pressure to talk, sometimes we can draw strength just be being with people who understand. There is no requirement to have your camera on during sessions, if you prefer not to for any reason that is ok.


We are all here for the same reasons – to get support and learn from each other. It’s ok for us all to have different experiences and perspectives. Please be respectful of others, and remember to talk with them and not over them. Please offer support rather than advice. We are committed to this being an inclusive group and anyone using any offensive or discriminatory language may be asked to leave.


Our participation and discussion here is private and confidential to the group. It is fine to discuss topics raised in the group with your support network or therapist, but please respect the confidentiality of the group and refrain from sharing personal information.


If at any time you have concerns about the topics raised, or someone else in the group, you can message the facilitators at any time to discuss your concerns. Any conversations will be held in confidence unless required by law.


If you share something that identifies someone may be at risk of harm (whether yourself or another adult/child), our safeguarding policy will be used. We will speak with you privately about any concerns and discuss any further options. We keep your contact details securely in accordance with GDPR and will not share them without your permission expect if required by law or safeguarding.


You can attend the group for as long as you need to, there is no restriction on how long you can attend. We do advise you join for at least six sessions, and advise us if you intend to leave so we can offer your place to someone else. If you do not attend three meetings in a row without advising us, you may be removed from the group.

Online safety

We want the group to be a safe space, and expect everybody to be responsible for their online safety, please follow the online safety guidelines:

  • The meeting link is confidential to this group and must not be shared with any other person(s)
  • If you prefer not to use your name as your username, you can choose an anonymous name, please let the facilitators know so they are aware you have attended the group.
  • Please ensure you are in a private space where the group will not be heard by anyone else in your household.
  • We will not record sessions or save chats, and you must not record the sessions, save chats or screenshot the meeting.
  • Please do not drink alcohol or misuse substances before or during the meeting.
  • Please arrive a few minutes early so we can start on time. We will not allow entry to the meeting after the first 10 minutes.