
Are you passionate about our work and considering coming to volunteer with us? We’d love to have you on board! Borderline Support UK CIC has no paid staff, so volunteers are essential to our work. We may be a small organisation but we have big ambitions, and there are many areas to add your ideas, skills and expertise. It’s a great time to come on board as a volunteer!

Why volunteer with us?

We couldn’t exist without the amazing support of our fantastic volunteers, who give their time and skills to help support people living with borderline personality disorder. Our aim is to see a world where people with BPD live a full life, and are able to access the treatment and support when they need it most, free from judgment, stigma and discrimination. Your input and skills will help us make change happen.

What roles are currently available?

We have a number of volunteer roles available, click the link below to find out more and apply. We are currently looking for:

Our commitment to volunteers

We want you to get the most out of volunteering with us, and we pledge to:

  • be clear in what our volunteer roles entail
  • treat all volunteers fairly and equally
  • provide appropriate training and support
  • keep you up to date with any changes
  • work with you to develop and improve services
  • recognise and celebrate your successes

Who can volunteer?

We welcome anyone over 18 years of age to apply to volunteer with us. Please note that you must have the right to live and work in the UK to volunteer with us.

Any Other Requirements

  • Own computer or secure access to one.
  • Stable internet connection.
  • Software and hardware needed to join online meetings (Teams).

Equality and Diversity

Equality and diversity plays a crucial role in fostering an inclusive atmosphere and enables us to provide fully inclusive and comprehensive services. We encourage individuals with lived experience and those from marginalized or underrepresented communities to apply.

How to apply

Follow the links to apply on Charity Job, or send your CV and a covering letter to info@borderlinesupport.org.uk.