The Peer Values Framework
The Scottish Recovery Network developed the ‘Peer Values Framework’, a set of six values which underpin the peer relationship:
- Hope
- Experience
- Authenticity
- Responsility
- Mutality
- Empowerment
Why develop a Values Framework?
The Values Framework aims to support and promote peer working, with the aim of:
- Ensuring the role remains true to the peer support ethos.
- Clarifying the role and identity of peer workers.
- Creating a basis for the further development of peer worker roles and services.
- Improving understanding of peer working.
Introduction to the six values
Hope: We believe in the reality of recovery for all and that:
- Peer workers are powerful role models and evidence of the reality of recovery.
- We are all unique individuals, with hopes, dreams and aspirations with the potential to be all that we can be.
- The peer relationship offers a unique healing environment and powerful way of promoting hope and optimism.
- It is possible to learn and grow from challenges and setbacks.
Experience: We believe recovery is a unique and individual experience and that:
- We are all experts in our own experience.
- There are many roads to recovery and different ways of nderstanding and interpreting experiences.
- The sharing of experiences can be a powerful catalyst for personal change and growth.
- Peer workers use their lived experience intentionally to encourage and support recovery.
Authenticity: We believe being authentic is about being true to ourselves and that:
- Empathy and compassion are at the heart of the peer relationship.
- Authentic relationships are open, honest and mutual.
- Peer support is about building connections that enable people to trust and to share their wisdom.
- Having compassion for others is grounded in being compassionate towards yourself.
Responsibility: We believe wellness and recovery involves taking responsibility and that:
- Supporting people to make changes is achieved through ‘being with’ rather than ‘doing for’.
- Peer workers have a responsibility to ensure that the values of peer support are nurtured and developed.
- Peer workers should take responsibility for their learning and development.
- Peer workers have a responsibility to challenge stigma and discrimination encountered in their role.
Mutuality: We believe that mutuality is core to peer working and that:
- We are interdependent and all have something to contribute.
- Mutuality is developed through respectfully sharing ideas, learning and experiences.
- Mutuality develops through discussion and negotiation of what is helpful in the relationship.
- Everyone involved in the relationship has a responsibility for making it work
Empowerment: We believe empowerment means being in the driving seat and that:
- Recovery is the job of each individual and the peer relationship is based on learning together.
- Empowerment happens as we draw on our strengths and abilities both individually and collectively.
- Taking risks, trying new things and moving beyond our comfort zone are essential to personal growth and change.
- Having power and control comes from identifying our own needs, making choices and taking responsibility for finding solutions.
Course: Peer Support Training