Peer Support Training
Welcome to our online Peer Support training, developed with the Peer2Peer training program.
Peer2Peer is an innovative course designed to prepare people with lived experience of mental health problems to be employed in peer support roles and support others in their recovery.
This course will provide you with the knowledge, skills and experience to provide information peer support, and outline the skills and knowledge required to be in a paid peer support role. (Please note, if you are a professional wishing to take this course, please take our ‘Peer Support for Professionals’s course).
This free course is designed to meet five learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are statements that describe what you will be able to do as a result of the learning. These outcomes will help tutors to focus on what they want the students to achieve and help you to understand what is expected of you.
People successfully completing the course will be able to:
• Explore the development of the recovery approach in mental health• Explain peer support and its role in recovery
• Demonstrate the development of relationships based on peer support values
• Apply strengths based approaches in the peer support role
• Demonstrate an awareness of how to practice safely and effectively in the formalised peer support role
These five learning outcomes are delivered through the course which comprises 12 sessions: an introductory session; nine sessions covering a range of topics; and two assessment sessions (mid-point and final).
This course is going to focus on wellness and recovery, and the importance of creating peer relationships which focus on the individual and their whole life. That means taking a whole person approach rather than diagnosis and symptom approach.
During the course students will be encouraged to draw on and share of themselves. This is in order to facilitate learning and skills development. Please remember that you should only share what you are comfortable with and it is your responsibility to keep themselves safe. The course is a learning rather than a therapeutic experience.
You will be provided with support resources throughout the course, as the content of the course may be challenging due to the subject matter and the nature of self-reflection during assessment.
History of Recovery Approaches
What is Mental Health Recovery?
What Helps Recovery?
Sharing of Personal Experiences
Defining and Explaining Peer Support
Peer Support in Mental Health
The Contribution of Peer Support to Recovery
Mutuality and Empowerment in Peer Support
Revisiting Worldview
Establishing Positive Peer Relationships
Power, Choice and Control in the Peer Relationship
Power Positions
Use of Language
Power of Language
Effective Communication
Effective Communication Skills
Non-Verbal Communication
Written Communication
Lived Experience
What do you Share?
The Peer Values Framework
Demonstrating Peer Values
Sharing our Experiences
Strengths-Based Approach
Peer Support Worker Role
What is Trauma?
What Impact Does Trauma Have?
Trauma and the Peer Support Relationship
Trauma-Informed Peer Support - Creating Stories
Boundaries in Formalised Peer Support
Dual Roles and Relationships
Confidentiality in Peer Relationships
Trauma, Suicidality and Risk
Taking Control
Self-Help and Support Groups
Self-Management Tools
Common Characteristics of Self-Help and Self-Management
How Self-Help and Self-Management Relate to Recovery
Self-Care and Self-Awareness
Self-Care and Relationships
Self-Care Within Organisations and Teams
Self-Awareness and Self-Care in Practice