Managing your mental health during the Coronavirus outbreak (Rethink)
Read the full guide at Rethink.
Over the last few weeks the media has been full of updates about the Coronavirus – from daily bulletins on the TV to minute by minute stories in your social media feeds – it is hard to avoid.
But what if you are living with a mental illness that could be exacerbated by this non-stop rolling news? Peer from our Digital team looks at the simple steps you can take to look after your wellbeing.
Like many people in the UK – I have been watching the news almost hourly, not only on my TV but on my phone, my laptop and even updates on my watch. While I believe it is important to stay informed about the Coronavirus, having a non-stop stream of notifications and speculation isn’t helping my mental health.
In fact I’d go so far as to say it is starting to make me feel unwell. It is an easy cycle to get into without really trying. For the next few days I am going to set myself some simple rules and to try and look after myself. If like me, you are feeling overwhelmed then here are a few tips: